Cleaningoutsideofenameledcastironcanbechallenging,butbakingsodaoranEasy–offovencleanercanbe a savior.Sprinklesomebakingsodaontheoutsideofenameledcastironcookware.Washitoffwithwater, andhereyougowithshiningcookware.
This article will unleash some of my personal experiences and easy hacks to clean gunky cookware.
Why does my Enameled Cast Iron Cookware Get Stains?
Before starting with guidance on cleaning the enameled cast iron, we must know the reasons for their staining.
Once you have figured out the factors, you can easily prevent your enameled cookware from getting stained.
Reasons for Enameled Cast Iron Staining
Extended Hours of cooking can damage cookware’s surface
Dark Food /Spices can leave their color (Stains) behind
The high heat could leach out the protective layer of your cast iron
Although the staining of Enameled Cast Iron Cookware will not affect the quality and taste of your food, for a more extended period, it can affect the efficiency of cookware.
Use Multipurpose Baking Soda
Baking soda has been used for various purposes for ages.
Every person loves its cookware and does not want to see them losing its shine with each passing day.
I have tried baking soda on every greasy cookware and stubborn stains. This method requires a lot of muscle power for scrubbing and cleaning.
How to clean the outside of enameled cast iron cookware with baking soda?
I take a pot I often use for cooking and give it baking soda to recover its shine. Sprinkle baking soda on the pot and let it rest for a few minutes.
Scrub off with a pad and water. It works perfectly fine. Scrub them with soap and water.
Benefits of using baking soda
Helps in removing gunky stains and grease
Gives off a shiny look to pans and pots
Helps in cleaning stove and oven
Cleanse rustic surfaces well
Helps in removing coffee and tea stains
Try Easy-Off Oven Cleaner
Sometimes, a few things do not work and suppose baking soda does not work for you. Try Easy-off oven cleaner to clean the cookware.
It is the easiest method and does not require energy and muscle power. The chemical does all cleaning by itself.
It is tried and tested on pans and pots. I take a pot I want to clean and spray easy-off oven cleaner.
Keep it overnight and scrub off the following day with a sponge and water.
Make sure to wipe out all the easy-off residue because it is hazardous if it gets into the meal.
Easy-off cleans oven, stove top, and greased and sticky cookware so well that it makes you love your kitchen accessories and utensils again.
Apply Vinegar on Stains and Burnt Pots
The everyday household things are significant when cleaning burnt pots and pans. Everyone might have tried this at home for one reason or another.
The vinegar combined with a bit of soda can magically clean cookware. The vinegar makes pans and pots sparkle like new cookware.
Add one cup of vinegar and ½ baking soda to a bowl to make a mixture.
Apply this mixture to the outside of enameled cast iron cookware and let this mixture sit on the outside for about 10 to 15 minutes.
Scrub the cookware with a scrubbing pad and water.
Usage of House Bleach for Stains Removal
Although it seems weird to use bleach for stain removal from enameled cookware, it can be effective sometimes.
Because it often happens that these are not stains but food residues left behind. A small amount of bleach can leach out these stubborn food particles.
After cooling your enameled cookware, soak them in a mixture of 2-3 tbsp of house bleach per quart of water.
Let them dive there for 2-3 hours. You will see the visible effect of a color changing due to those stubborn particles.
After the required time, wipe off the utensils with a clean cloth.
Clean With Bar Keepers Friend
It might be possible that the above methods are not suitable for everyone. One can try different ways to clean the cookware.
Try Bar Keepers Friend and scrub off with a scrubber and water.
It is the easiest method to clean the cookware. Get Bar Keepers Friend from the nearest store.
Method: It is like a powder and applies to the outside of enameled iron cast cookware.
Make sure not to focus too much on one area because it could damage its enamel.
Take a pan or pot which requires cleaning and apply Bar Keepers Friend on stains and grease.
Start scrubbing with scrub and water. The pot will shine as if it has never been used before.
Tips to Avoid Enameled Cast Iron Cookware from Staining
Here are some go-to tips to avoid the staining of your cast irons
Always brush your stencil with oil before cooking
Don’t preheat your vessel without lubricant
Low and medium heat is a good choice for cast irons
Final Thought
Enameled Cast Iron cookware is one of the best cookware for clean & efficient cooking.
By avoiding them from high heat, fewer spices, and less cooking time, you can lengthen the life of your utensils, avoiding stains.
Otherwise, follow the remedies above-mentioned to remove those stains. Enjoy cooking meals in your favorite cookware.
Ron Lyon is a highly experienced cookware professional. He has worked in the industry for over 20 years and has gained a wealth of knowledge about all types of cookware. He is also a great resource for information on caring for your cookware and keeping it looking its best.